We have implemented and compared four biologically motivated self-organizing haptic systems based on proprioception. All systems employ a 12-d.o.f. anthropomorphic robot hand, the LUCS Haptic Hand 3. The four systems differ in the kind of selforganizing neural network used for clustering. For the mapping of the explored objects, one system uses a Self-Organizing Map (SOM), one uses a Growing Cell Structure (GCS), one uses a Growing Cell Structure with Deletion of Neurons (GCS-DN), and one uses a Growing Grid (GG). The systems were trained and tested with 10 different objects of different sizes from two different shape categories. The generalization abilities of the systems were tested with 6 new objects. The systems showed good performance with the objects from the training set as well as in the generalization experiments. Thus the systems could discriminate individual objects, and they clustered the activities into small cylinders, large cylinders, small blocks, and large blocks. Moreover, the selforganizing ANNs were also organized according to size. The GCS-DN system also evolved disconnected networks representing the different clusters in the input space (small cylinders, large cylinders, small blocks, large blocks), and the generalization samples activated neurons in a proper subnetwork in all but one case.