How does structural racism influence where people are killed during encounters with police? We analyzed geo-located incidents of fatal encounters with police that occurred between 2000-2020 in Census tracts that received a classification by the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) during the 1930’s. After adjusting for population, 53 of the 100 most deadly Census tracts analyzed in this study were rated as “D” zones, contemporarily referred to as “redlined” areas. 38 are in “C” zones, 8 are “B” zones and only 1 is an “A” zone. Hierarchical Bayesian Negative Binomial models of all tracts estimate incidents of fatal encounters with police are highest in formerly redlined areas, and are 66% more likely than in zones that received the more favorable “A” rating. Contemporary demographic and economic conditions in Census tracts also predict the incidence of fatal encounters with the police, but the effect of historic HOLC classification remains after taking these factors into account. The estimates of fatal encounters converge across zone classifications only in areas with high proportions of Black residents or residents in in poverty (>60% or >30% respectively). These findings augment the literature on the lasting effect of redlined communities in the United States and provides evidence of structural biases in policing rooted in historical segregation policies.