In today's world, it is time to identify the driver through technology. At present, it is possible to find out the driving style of the drivers from every car through controller area network (CAN-BUS) sensor data which was not possible through the conventional car. Many researchers did their work and their main purpose was to find out the driver driving style from end-to-end analysis of CAN-BUS sensor data. So, it is potential to identify each driver individually based on the driver's driving style. We propose a novel compound featurebased driver identification to reduce the number of input attributes based on some mathematical operation. Now, the role of machine learning in the field of any type of data analysis is incomparable and significant. The state-of-the-art algorithms have been applied in different fields. Occasionally these are tested in a similar domain. As a result, we have used some prominent algorithms of machine learning, which show different results in the field of aspiration of the model. The other goal of this study is to compare the conspicuous classification algorithms in the index of performance metrics in driver behavior identification. Hence, we compare the performance of SVM, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, k-NN, Random Forest, Decision tree, Gradient boosting.