“…In addition, there are three types of customers for each form depending on the number and frequency of visits required. Referring to the instances generated for MDVRP, the most frequently used one is that which is cited by Cordeau et al [144] named as • E-PCVRP, [125]; HeVRPMD, Eskandarpour et al [65]; WCP-MDP, Wei et al [120]; BSS-EV-LRP, Yang and Sun [67] Chao et al [146] • Bi-PVRP-SC, López-Sánchez et al [50] Taillard [147] • • Eco-WCVRP, Molina et al [123]; BSS-EV-LRP, Yang and Sun [67] Solomon [73] • 2E-VRPSyn, Anderluh et al [46]; mixed-fleet logistics distribution problem under CO 2 emission cap, Islam and Gajpal [101]; HHC with synchronized visits and carbon emissions, Luo et al [102]; MTHVRP-PCIC, Lyu and He [41]; B-MFGVRPTW, Ren et al [104]; G-VRPTW, Yu et al [108]; cold chain logistics path optimization, Zhao et al [100]; G-VRPTW, Sanchez et al [103]; PRP, FCVRP, EMVRP, Kramer et al [53]; G-VRPTW, Küçükoglu et al [117]; PRP, Demir et al [51] • Bi-PVRP-SC, López-Sánchez et al [50] Christofides and Eilon [150] • GVRP, Dewi and Utama [22]; 2E-CVRPSC, Mühlbauer and Fontaine [47]; E-PCVRP, Trachanatzi et al [125]; WCP-MDP, Wei et al [120]; GVRP, de Oliveira da Costa et al [18] Gaskell [151] • GVRP, Dewi and Utama [22] Cordeau instances. +e authors presented a set of 23 instances based the sets from Christofides et al [148] (instances 1-7), Gillett and Johnson [152] (instances 8-11), and Chao et al [146] (12)(13)…”