SUMMARYAn improved active-diode circuit, which makes use of positive feedback to achieve fast on/off transition, is presented in this paper. The proposed active-diode circuit can be embedded into a voltage doubler to replace the commonly used dead-time circuit and to eliminate reverse current. In addition, the relationship between oscillation frequency, boosting and output capacitances, load-and on-resistances of the power switch and the output voltage is analysed, to investigate a methodology to retain high voltage gain of a voltage doubler. The proposed active-diode circuit is applied to a voltage doubler implemented in a commercial 0.35-m process with threshold voltage of about 0.68 V. The input voltage, maximum output current and oscillation frequency of the voltage doubler are 1 V, 1 mA and 0.4 MHz, respectively. Moreover, the used boosting and output capacitances are 22 nF. The highest power efficiency achieved is 83% at a load current of 0.47 mA.