We present an adaptive simulation framework for binary-fluid flows, based on the Abels-Garcke-Grün Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard (AGG NSCH) diffuse-interface model. The adaptiverefinement procedure is guided by a two-level hierarchical a-posteriori error estimate, and it effectively resolves the spatial multiscale behavior of the diffuse-interface model. To improve the robustness of the solution procedure and avoid severe time-step restrictions for small-interface thicknesses, we introduce an ε-continuation procedure, in which the diffuse interface thickness (ε) are enlarged on coarse meshes, and the mobility is scaled accordingly. To further accelerate the computations and improve robustness, we apply a modified Backward Euler scheme in the initial stages of the adaptive-refinement procedure in each time step, and a Crank-Nicolson scheme in the final stages of the refinement procedure. To enhance the robustness of the nonlinear solution procedure, we introduce a partitioned solution procedure for the linear tangent problems in Newton's method, based on a decomposition of the NSCH system into its NS and CH subsystems. We conduct a systematic investigation of the conditioning of the monolithic NSCH tangent matrix and of its NS and CH subsystems for a representative 2D model problem.To illustrate the properties of the presented adaptive simulation framework, we present numerical results for a 2D oscillating water droplet suspended in air, and we validate the obtained results versus those of a corresponding sharp-interface model.