It has been conjectured that 3d fermions minimally coupled to Chern-Simons gauge fields are dual to 3d critical scalars, also minimally coupled to Chern-Simons gauge fields. The large N arguments for this duality can formally be used to show that Chern-Simons-gauged critical (Gross-Neveu) fermions are also dual to gauged 'regular' scalars at every order in a 1/N expansion, provided both theories are well-defined (when one fine-tunes the two relevant parameters of each of these theories to zero). In the strict large N limit these 'quasi-bosonic' theories appear as fixed lines parameterized by x 6 , the coefficient of a sextic term in the potential. While x 6 is an exactly marginal deformation at leading order in large N , it develops a non-trivial β function at first subleading order in 1/N . We demonstrate that the beta function is a cubic polynomial in x 6 at this order in 1/N , and compute the coefficients of the cubic and quadratic terms as a function of the 't Hooft coupling. We conjecture that flows governed by this leading large N beta function have three fixed points for x 6 at every non-zero value of the 't Hooft coupling, implying the existence of three distinct regular bosonic and three distinct dual critical fermionic conformal fixed points, at every value of the 't Hooft coupling. We analyze the phase structure of these fixed point theories at zero temperature. We also construct dual pairs of large N fine-tuned renormalization group flows from supersymmetric N = 2 Chern-Simons-matter theories, such that one of the flows ends up in the IR at a regular boson theory while its dual partner flows to a critical fermion theory. This construction suggests that the duality between these theories persists at finite N , at least when N is large. arXiv:1808.03317v1 [hep-th] 9 Aug 2018 C Correlators for free fermions 102 D Conventions for Chern-Simons levels 105 D.1 N = 2 Chern-Simons levels 105 D.2 (Non-supersymmetric) Chern-Simons levels 105 D.3 Integrating out massive fundamental fermions 106 E The mapping of ranks and levels under duality 106 F Detailed free energy computations for the zero temperature phase structure 1091 One can also consider U Sp(2N ) theories, but in the large N limit in which we work, they are identical to SO(2N ) theories.2 Several of these properties appear to have their origin in the fact that the coupling of fundamental excitations to Chern-Simons gauge fields makes them effectively non-Abelian anyons. Conversely, the lessons from the study of the theories described above may well apply more generally to all systems with effectively anyonic excitations. 5 The superconformal theory described in this section may be rigorously defined by adding a supersymmetric Yang-Mills term to the action. The resulting theory is free at high energies, but reduces to (1.1) at low energies (at which point the Yang-Mills coupling effectively diverges so the Yang-Mills term in the action is negligible). In other words, theory S is the end point of a N = 2 SUSY renormalization group (RG) flow that starts i...