Fig. 1. A path surface generated from a turbulent jet dataset, rendered in two different styles using the framework proposed in this paper. In the left image, the surface is opaque, and the front and back side are rendered with yellow and blue, respectively. An adaptive stripe pattern visualizes individual pathlines on the surface and provides the orientation of the flow. On the right, the surface is rendered transparently with a denser stripes to give a hatching-like appearance. Both figures emphasize surface silhouettes for better distinction of individual surface layers.Abstract-Integral surfaces are ideal tools to illustrate vector fields and fluid flow structures. However, these surfaces can be visually complex and exhibit difficult geometric properties, owing to strong stretching, shearing and folding of the flow from which they are derived. Many techniques for non-photorealistic rendering have been presented previously. It is, however, unclear how these techniques can be applied to integral surfaces. In this paper, we examine how transparency and texturing techniques can be used with integral surfaces to convey both shape and directional information. We present a rendering pipeline that combines these techniques aimed at faithfully and accurately representing integral surfaces while improving visualization insight. The presented pipeline is implemented directly on the GPU, providing real-time interaction for all rendering modes, and does not require expensive preprocessing of integral surfaces after computation.