Synthetic matrices that are cytocompatible, cell adhesive,
cell responsive are needed for the engineering of implantable, secretory
salivary gland constructs to treat radiation induced xerostomia or
dry mouth. Here, taking advantage of the bioorthogonality of the Michael-type
addition reaction, hydrogels with comparable stiffness but varying
degrees of degradability (100% degradable, 100DEG; 50% degradable,
50DEG; and nondegradable, 0DEG) by cell-secreted matrix metalloproteases
(MMPs) were synthesized using thiolated HA (HA-SH), maleimide (MI)-conjugated
integrin-binding peptide (RGD-MI), and MI-functionalized peptide cross-linkers
that are protease degradable (GIW-bisMI) or nondegradable (GIQ-bisMI).
Organized multicellular structures developed readily in all hydrogels
from dispersed primary human salivary gland stem cells (hS/PCs). As
the matrix became progressively degradable, cells proliferated more
readily, and the multicellular structures became larger, less spherical,
and more lobular. Immunocytochemical analysis showed positive staining
for stem/progenitor cell markers CD44 and keratin 5 (K5) in all three
types of cultures and positive staining for the acinar marker α-amylase
under 50DEG and 100DEG conditions. Quantitatively at the mRNA level,
the expression levels of key stem/progenitor markers KIT, KRT5, and ETV4/5 were significantly
increased in the degradable gels as compared to the nondegradable
counterparts. Western blot analyses revealed that imparting matrix
degradation led to >3.8-fold increase in KIT expression by day
The MMP-degradable hydrogels also promoted the development of a secretary
phenotype, as evidenced by the upregulation of acinar markers α-amylase
(AMY), aquaporin-5 (AQP5), and sodium-potassium
chloride cotransporter 1 (SLC12A2). Collectively,
we show that cell-mediated matrix remodeling is necessary for the
development of regenerative pro-acinar progenitor cells from hS/PCs.