Abstract:We study the thermodynamic formalism of a complex rational map f of degree at least two, viewed as a dynamical system acting on the Riemann sphere. More precisely, for a real parameter t we study the existence of equilibrium states of f for the potential −t ln f , and the analytic dependence on t of the corresponding pressure function. We give a fairly complete description of the thermodynamic formalism for a large class of rational maps, including well known classes of non-uniformly hyperbolic rational maps, such as (topological) Collet-Eckmann maps, and much beyond. In fact, our results apply to all non-renormalizable polynomials without indifferent periodic points, to infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials with a priori bounds, and all quadratic polynomials with real coefficients. As an application, for these maps we describe the dimension spectrum for Lyapunov exponents, and for pointwise dimensions of the measure of maximal entropy, and obtain some level-1 large deviations results. For polynomials as above, we conclude that the integral means spectrum of the basin of attraction of infinity is real analytic at each parameter in R, with at most two exceptions.