The article is dedicated to systematization of scientific positions about the static testing of sequences, widely used in cryptographic systems of information protection for the production of key and additional information (random numbers, vectors of initialization, etc.). Existing approaches to testing pseudorandom sequences, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. It is revealed that for sequences of length up to 100 bits there are not enough existing statistical packets. Perspective direction of research – static testing of sequences using n- dimensional statistics is considered. The joint distributions of 2-chains and 3-chains of a fixed type of random (0, 1) -sequences allow for statistical analysis of local sections of this sequence. Examples, tables, diagrams that can be used to test for randomness of the location of zeros and ones in the bit section are 16 lengths. The paper proposes a methodology for testing pseudorandom sequences, an explicit form of the joint distribution of 2- and 3-chains numbers of various options of random bit sequence of a given small length is obtained. As a result of the implementation of this technique, an information system will be created that will allow analyzing the pseudorandom sequence of a small length and choosing a quality pseudorandom sequence for use in a particular subject area.