Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are ideal support materials for platinum in fuel cells. However,l ittle is known about the conduction mechanism of Pt-coordinated CNTs. Herein, ac oordination complexo fp yridine-functionalized singlewalled nanotubes (Py-SWNTs) with Pt (Pt/Py-SWNTs) was prepared via the ligand exchange reaction between cis-[Pt(dmso) 2 Cl 2 ]a nd Py-SWNTsg enerated by pyridine diazonium salt addition to SWNTs. The presence of Pt in modified SWNTsw as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The N1 sX PS spectra provided evidence of Pt coordination to the pyridine nitrogen atom. Modified SWNTsw ere furtherc haracterized by thermogravimetric analysisc oupled with mass spectrometry,u ltraviolet-visible-near infrared spectroscopy,R amans pectroscopy,a nd elemental analysis. The electron conduction mechanism of Pt/Py-SWNT films was bestd escribed by am odified quantum tunneling model,i dentified from ac ombined analysis of the voltage and temperature dependence of the current.