Abstract. We introduce an optimal shaping problem based on Michell's wave resistance formula in order to find the form of a ship which has an immerged hull with minimal total resistance. The problem is to find a function u ∈ H 1 0 (D), even in the z-variable, and which minimizes the functionalwith an area constraint on the set {(x, z) ∈ D : u(x, z) = 0} and with the volume constraint D u(x, z)dxdz = V ; D is a bounded open subset of R 2 , symmetric about the x-axis, and k is Michell's kernel. We prove that u is locally α-Hölder continuous on D for all 0 < α < 2/5, and locally Lipschitz continuous onThe main assumption is the nonnegativity of u. We also prove that the area constraint is "saturated". The results are first derived for a general kernel k ∈ L q (D ×D) with q ∈ (1, +∞]. A numerical simulation illustrates the theoretical result.