The inveatigationa reported herein cover the final part of a two-phase program. The results of the Phsse I progrsm were documented earlier in AFFDL-TR-6S-36,"Inveatlgation of Hypersonic Inlet Shock-Wave Boundary Layer Interaction", dated March 1965. Phaae II studies were conducted with supplementary funding from the NASA Amea Resesrch Center. Mr. L. E. Surber of the Air Force Flight Dynamica laboratory'a Internal Aerodynamic Section was the project monitor for both the Phaae I and Phaae II activitiea. The principal inveatigatora participating in thia Phaae II resesrch for the Genersl Electric Company were Mesars. Paul H. Kutschenreuter, Jr., Dsvid L. Brown, snd Werner Hoelmer. Specisl scknowledgement is msde of the sssistsnce provided by Messrs. James S. Keith, Psul R. Nettleton, snd Jsmes A. Weil. The msnuscript wss relessed by the suthors for publlcstion ss an RTD Technical Report. Thia technical manuacript release ststement report has been reviewed snd Is approved.