In many MRI scenarios, magnetization is often excited from spatial regions that are not of immediate interest. Excitation of uninteresting magnetization can complicate the design of efficient imaging methods, leading to either artifacts or acquisitions that are longer than necessary. While there are many hardware-and sequence-based approaches for suppressing unwanted magnetization, this paper approaches this longstanding problem from a different and complementary angle, using beamforming to suppress signals from unwanted regions without modifying the acquisition hardware or pulse sequence. Unlike existing beamforming approaches, we use a spatially invariant sensor-domain approach that can be applied directly to raw data to facilitate image reconstruction. Theory and Methods: We use beamforming to linearly mix a set of original coils into a set of region-optimized virtual (ROVir) coils. ROVir coils optimize a signalto-interference ratio metric, are easily calculated using simple generalized eigenvalue decomposition methods, and provide coil compression. Results: ROVir coils were compared against existing coil-compression methods, and were demonstrated to have substantially better signal suppression capabilities. In addition, examples were provided in a variety of different application contexts (including brain MRI, vocal tract MRI, and cardiac MRI; accelerated Cartesian and non-Cartesian imaging; and outer volume suppression) that demonstrate the strong potential of this kind of approach. Conclusion: The beamforming-based ROVir framework is simple to implement, has promising capabilities to suppress unwanted MRI signal, and is compatible with and complementary to existing signal suppression methods. We believe that this general approach could prove useful across a wide range of different MRI applications. K E Y W O R D S accelerated acquisition, beamforming, multichannel MRI, reduced field-of-view imaging, signal suppression 198 | KIM et al. F I G U R E 1 Illustration of applications where the ROI (marked in green) can be much smaller than the full FOV. In functional MRI of the visual cortex, we may only care about the signal from the visual cortex itself, but not the signal from other parts of the brain. In speech imaging, we may only care about the signal from the vocal tract, but not the signal from the brain, scalp, neck, or torso. In cardiac imaging, we may only care about the MRI signal from the heart, but not the signal from other parts of the body. In MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), we may only care about the signal from brain parenchyma, but not the signal from extracranial lipids