The kinetic behavior of a 7-ray spur produced in water, having H and OH radicals distributed spatially in the manner suggested by Samuel and Magee, has been studied using an electronic computer. The variation in yield of the molecular products Hz, H20Z, and H?O with rate constants, diffusion constants, and spur size has been obtained. The model gives agreement with experiment choosing spurs with a small "radius" of the order of 10 A. On simple assumptions, however, the modcl predicts no difference in the molecular yields between heavy and light water and no isotopic separation in the formation of molecular hydrogen from isotopically enriched light water. Various special assumptions needed to give agreement with experiment for thcse isotope effects are discussed. The observed isotopicseparation in theformation of molecular hydrogen is attributed to the preferential dissociation of an H atom from an excited HDO molecule. I t is found that the yield of molecular hydrogen is less sensitive t o the presence of scavengers than the yield of hydrogel1 peroxide.
INTRODUCTIONThe products of the radiation decomposition of water are of two types, free radicals and molecules, and it is generally supposed that the molecular products (hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide) are formed by recombination of free radicals (H and OH) in regions of high radical concentration. In the model of this process proposed by Samuel and Magee (I) it was suggested that the radicals were formed by the dissociation of excited water molecules. Conseq~iently, both species of radicals have initially a similar spatial distribution; some of these radicals recombine t o give molecular products, others escape by diffusion into the bulk of the solution where they can be detected by their reactions as radicals. Several variations of this model are discussed by Dewhurst, Samuel, and Magee (2).While this model has been widely accepted for the interpretation of the radiation chemistry of water no detailed study of its properties has been made in which the recombination of both reacting species (H and OH) is treated. As the kinetics of recombination and diffusion cannot be handled analytically the majority of calculations hitherto have been performed on a simplified version, a "one radical" model in which the one species has the "average" properties of H and OH. These calculations have shown that the model explains many of the features of the radiation decoinposition of water and on this pragmatic basis the model has been accepted.We have surmountecl the main obstacle to the study of a two-radical model, the intractable nature of the equations, by programming the problem for numerical solution on the Chalk River Datatron Computer, and this paper presents the results of these calculations. A secoild, equally serious, obstacle remains and this is our lack of kno~vledge about the rate constants and diffusioil constants and other parameters of the system. We have, accordingly, adopted an approach which is essentially the converse of that of experimental chemical...