Structures for trivalent silyl anions SiH,F&,,) and SiH,C\j.,,), where n takes values from 0 to 3, have been optimized at the HF/6-3 1 + +G* level and single point calculations made at the MP2/6-3 1 + +G* level (core included). SiH3-and ions containing one halogen invert by the vertex mechanism in which the lone-pair has T-symmetry, and the monosubstituted ions have high barriers (SiH2F-45.2 kcal/mol and SiH2Cl-44.0 kcal/mol). Further substitution by halogens results in a change to the edge inversion mechanism involving a T-shaped transition structure with the lone-pair coplanar with the ligands. Baniers (kcal/mol) at the MP2/6-3 1 + +G* level including ZPE are lower than for the monosubstituted ions and are SiHC1, and SiC1,. In SiLi,-edge inversion is preferred, but the surface is much flatter and the barrier is low (9.8 kcal/mol). Trivalent silyl radicals SiH,F(3.,,), SiH,C1(3.,,) and SiF,,C1(3.n) (with n having values 0 to 3) have also been examined with the 6-31 + +G* basis set, with optimization at the UHF level and single point calculations at the UMP2 level.Radicals SiH,, SiH2F, SiH2C1, and SiHC12 all invert by the vertex mechanism. Increased halogenation results in a change of mechanism and SiF3, SiCl,, SiF2C1, and SiFC12 invert by the edge mechanism. For radical SiHF, the calculated barriers for the two mechanisms are almost identical with the higher level of theory slightly favouring edge inversion.Key words: inversion mechanism, halogenated silyl radicals and anions. Inversion of a pyramidal molecule AX3 (1, X = Y = Z. C3" r-donors or a-acceptors raises the barrier to inversion (2-7) and point group) usually proceeds through a planar trigonal structure halogens, which have both these properties, are particularly 2 which has D3h symmetry. When X = Y = Z = H, the effective (calculated barriers of CH2FP and SiH2F-are 24 and magnitude of the barrier to inversion increases as A becomes 58 kcal/mol, respectively). Increasing the number of halogen more electropositive due to the greater stabilization of the substituents should further increase the banier to inversion by pyramidal structure through HOMO-LUMO interactions (I).this vertex mechanism, but recent studies (8) Previously we reported barriers to inversion for monosubstiThe barriers to inversion of hydrides from the second row, then, tuted silyl anions (9) and the discovery that increasing halogen are larger than those for analogous molecules from the first row substitution in the isolelectronic phosphines results in a change and the silyl anion SiH3-has a much larger barrier than the in the inversion mechanism stimulated us to extend our work to methyl anion CH3-(26 kcal/mol (2) compared with 0.5 polyhalogenated silyl anions. kcal/mol (3)). Replacing the hydrogens with atoms which areThe parent silyl radical, SiH3, is pyramidal (10) and the barrier to inversion in radicals R3Si are sufficiently large that 'Revision received March 7, 1990. optically active silanes react via the radical with retention of Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresear...