There is renewed interest in the factors that affect negotiations, as they are a significant part of organizational life. While we understand that there are many barriers to effectively reaching optimal solutions in a negotiation, we are still unclear as to the means by which to meet this goal. In this paper, we offer creativity training as a possible antecedent to effective negotiation. Our results show that individuals trained to think creatively reached more integrative solutions or solutions that were mutually beneficial to all negotiation participants than individuals who did not receive creativity training. We discuss implications and future research.Keywords Creativity in negotiations · Negotiations · Creativity · Creativity training · ExperimentThe creativity construct has been well researched, and scholars have provided support for the theoretical perspective that creativity is essential to organizations' sustainability (Ramus 2001;Woodman et al. 1993). Creativity is the ability to generate or produce ideas, insights, or solutions that are original, novel, and unique (i.e., that were not previously available or present), but that are also relevant to solving ill-defined problems (these solutions are appropriate to and useful given the context of the problem) (Ama-