“…This model reveals the autocatalytic nature of Ni(OH) 2 /NiOOH and Mn 2+ /MnO 2 reactions, as well as the origin of their asymmetric charge and discharge reactions, which may be a source of charge-discharge hysteresis, and hence, loss of energy efficiency in batteries. 10,11 The present autocatalytic kinetic model assumes the following: (1) no nucleation activation, i.e., a nucleus is always present, which reduces the model to an initial value problem, (2) no diffusion limitation, i.e., the electrode surface controls the reaction dynamics, (3) no ohmic resistance, and (4) no microscopic reversibility, i.e., the forward and backward reactions are always completely unidirectional, which is the core concept of autocatalysis. Finally, the chemical equations written here do not refer to a conventional chemical reaction, but to a ''reaction-interaction''; † hence, elimination law does not apply.…”