We claim that a new level of studies is needed to answer a series of important questions about the expanding global chronic disease burden for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and for related conditions such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. These require a new study design structure, related to a new level of theory that goes beyond the current single-factor, a-theoretic epidemiological studies. This new platform for the design of large-scale Work/Stress/Disease studies would assess CVD-related disease mechanisms in a more general and dynamic form, based on the use of new tools for measuring autonomic functions in an occupational stress context and a new theory of disease causation. A sample outline is presented for such a study, based on StressDisequilibrium Theory (SDT) hypotheses, building on analytic tools developed for the assessment of stress-related exhaustion effects and chronic disease risks from Heart Rate Variability (HRV) research studies. The goal is to assess the associations between social organizational risks, particularly at work, and hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes II. The study design is multistage, spanning across several levels of disease-related de-regulation, and addressing co-morbidity of the conditions themselves. The study design is meant to span across a broad social population at all levels and would probably be multi-site, involving several countries, to yield the larger sample increased power for finding associations for work -physiological effects.
Key words: Stress, Cardiovascular disease, Low control, Growth and regeneration, Large-scale study designAddress reprint request to R. Karasek, Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Kitson Hall, One University Avenue, Lowell, MA, USA (e-mail: Robert_Karasek@uml.edu), or Department of Psychology, Copenhagen University, Ă˜ster Farinagsgade 2A, DK-1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
IDEA BASED ON MAJOR UNRESOLVED QUESTIONSThere is increasing evidence around the world of a growing chronic disease problem: for example: cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in the US [1,2] and other industrialized countries, and are fast becoming the major cause of mortality in rapidly industrializing societies such as China. In the US CVD risk factors and related conditions for persons over age 20 are estimated to have prevalence of 34%, 33%, and 34% for hypertension, Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/10/18 1:33 PM
R E V I E W P A P E R S R. KARASEK ET AL.IJOMEH 2010;23(3) 294 Therefore, we could claim, a bit provocatively, that what is now needed is a new stress model of "how absolute low social control, in major socio-economic institutions, causes chronic disease", as the third explanation for the inverse social gradient in health. In fact, there is much evidence that shows CVD, MD and MSD are related to low control in our modern social organizations. For example, after reviewing 46 studies Belkic et al., concluded that low workplace con...