In the current research, DNA/RNA of gum cancer cells-anti-cancer Nano drugs ligands structure determination with the two-dimensional NMR molecular line shape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments are investigated. However, it has been demonstrated by us and others that the choice of DNA/RNA of gum cancer cells-anti-cancer Nano drugs ligands structure determination with the two-dimensional NMR molecular line shape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments can greatly influence tissue classification results. In addition to developing best-practice techniques for spectral preprocessing, care must be taken when developing classification DNA/RNA of gum cancer cells-anti-cancer Nano drugs ligands structure determination with the two-dimensional NMR molecular line shape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments for diagnostic evaluation. Validation studies need to be performed to confirm that DNA/RNA of gum cancer cells-anti-cancer Nano drugs ligands structure determination with the two-dimensional NMR molecular line shape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments developed on ex vivo specimens are applicable to in vivo tissues. Machine learning DNA/RNA of gum cancer cells-anti-cancer Nano drugs ligands structure determination with the two-dimensional NMR molecular line shape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments hold the promise of automating the identification and diagnosis of gum cancer. Deep learning training, using large numbers of spectra, may also identify molecular patterns among gum cancer types, aid in margin detection, and become predictors of the aggressiveness of the gum cancer.