The authors consider the three-dimensional problem of abutment pressure in a seam weakened by a working.It is assumed that the seam interacts with the rock without creating tangential stresses, and that being homogeneous it can be regarded as an elastic substrate.Let us introduce rectangular coordinates: The z axis is directed vertically upward and the xy plane passes along the middle of the seam.We will denote the rock-seam surface by P and the surface separating the rock from the worked-out area by V.The plane analog of this problem (in which P and V are segments of a straight line) was discussed in [1]
[2][3][4][5].As usual, we reduce the problem to the incremental case (i.e., we subtract the stress field corresponding to the same problem without the working), which consists in finding the solution to the equations of the static theory of elasticity for an upper half space z ~ 0 with the following boundary conditions: (4) where ~xz, ~yz, ~zz are the components of the stress tensor, w is the vertical displacement, k > 0 is the "bedding coefficient," whichis proportional to Young's modulus and inversely proportional to the thickness of the seam, y is the density of the surrounding rock, and H is the depth of the seam below the surface.Grltsko et al
[6] solved the abutment pressure problem for a seam in the three-dimensional formulation by an experlmental-analytlcal method, the essence of which was that the displacements for z = 0 are determined experimentally and the stresses found from them. This avoids the difficulties due to the fact that the boundary conditions (2) and (3) are of the mixed type.
In this article we propose a different approach to the three-dimenslonal problem.
Let us reduce the incremental problem to an integral equation.