The meiotic mutant c(3)G (crossover suppressor on 3 of Gowen) abolishes both synaptonemal complex (SC) formation and meiotic recombination, whereas mutations in the mei-W68 and mei-P22 genes prevent recombination but allow normal SC to form. These data, as well as a century of cytogenetic studies, support the argument that meiotic recombination between homologous chromosomes in Drosophila females requires synapsis and SC formation. We have cloned the c(3)G gene and shown that it encodes a protein that is structurally similar to SC proteins from yeast and mammals. Immunolocalization of the C(3)G protein, as well as the analysis of a C(3)G-eGFP expression construct, reveals that C(3)G is present in a thread-like pattern along the lengths of chromosomes in meiotic prophase, consistent with a role as an SC protein present on meiotic bivalents. The availability of a marker for SC in Drosophila allowed the investigation of the extent of synapsis in exchange-defective mutants. These studies indicate that SC formation is impaired in certain meiotic mutants and that the synaptic defect correlates with the exchange defects. Moreover, the observation of interference among the residual exchanges in these mutant oocytes implies that complete SC formation is not required for crossover interference in Drosophila. Meiotic prophase is marked by interactions between homologous chromosomes that culminate in their alignment with each other along a structure called the synaptonemal complex (SC) (von Wettstein et al. 1984;Zickler and Kleckner 1999;Walker and Hawley 2000). Synapsis and SC formation between homologs is associated with, or requisite for, the formation of exchanges between homologous sequences. These exchanges are later detectable physically as chiasmata, and genetically as recombination between loci on the chromosomes. In many meiotic systems, these genetic exchanges ensure the proper segregation of homologous chromosomes during anaphase I (Hawley 1988).The SC is an almost universally conserved meiotic structure among eukaryotes (von Wettstein et al. 1984;Zickler and Kleckner 1999). After preliminary interactions align homologous chromosomes within ∼300 nm of each other, the chromosomal axes become juxtaposed at a distance of ∼100 nm, which is bridged by the SC. Electron microscopic (EM) studies show the SC as a lattice of transverse filaments (TFs) running between the homologs. The TFs connect the central element, located in the middle of the SC, with lateral elements along the axes of the chromosomes. The connections mediated by the SC are thought to provide a means for holding homologous chromosomes together during meiotic prophase (von Wettstein et al. 1984;Walker and Hawley 2000). In addition, the SC has been proposed to function in the regulation of meiotic recombination and the formation of chiasmata (von Wettstein et al. 1984).Investigations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans have revealed a complex relationship between the SC and the initiation of recombination, whi...