The vivid non-linear business environment of nowadays, enhances companies to embrace the complexity leadership approach, in order to remain competitive in a globalized industry. Maintaining their adaptive system is found to be the main challenge. This paper aims to analyze the up-to-date literature based on Complex Adaptive Leadership approach, focusing on Chaos Theory and Complexity Science. In addition a real-life case of a German company investing in real-estate sector in Albania is introduced. The highly dynamic environment of construction project depends on the information flow and interaction between project stakeholders, which is proved to impose high unpredictability, continuous disequilibrium and emergence. Butterfly Effect, Strange Attractors, Self-Organization, Emergence Decision-Making, Feedback and over all Complex Behaviors of the Company Leadership are discussed considering the circumstances under which the company has terminated the agreement with General Contractor during the construction phase. Finally the consequences of these changes are disclosed and recommendations for improving future actions are proposed.