Let M be a random m×n matrix with binary entries and i.i.d. rows. The weight (i.e., number of ones) of a row has a specified probability distribution, with the row chosen uniformly at random given its weight. Let N (n, m) denote the number of left null vectors in {0, 1} m for M (including the zero vector), where addition is mod 2. We take n, m → ∞, with m/n → α > 0, while the weight distribution may vary with n but converges weakly to a limiting distribution on {3, 4, 5, . . .}; let W denote a variable with this limiting distribution. Identifying M with a hypergraph on n vertices, we define the 2-core of M as the terminal state of an iterative algorithm that deletes every row incident to a column of degree 1.We identify two thresholds α * and α, and describe them analytically in terms of the distribution of W . Threshold α * marks the infimum of values of α at which n −1 log E[N (n, m)] converges to a positive limit, while α marks the infimum of values of α at which there is a 2-core of non-negligible size compared to n having more rows than non-empty columns.We have 1/2 ≤ α * ≤ α ≤ 1, and typically these inequalities are strict; for example when W = 3 almost surely, numerics give α * = 0.88949 . . . and α = 0.91793 . . . (previous work on this model has mainly been concerned with such cases where W is non-random). The threshold of values of α for which N (n, m) ≥ 2 in probability lies in [α * , α] and is conjectured to equal α.The random row weight setting gives rise to interesting new phenomena not present in the non-random case that has been the focus of previous work.Note that for a fixed n and a given realization of the sequence of rows X 1 , X 2 , . . ., the numbers N (n, m) are nondecreasing as m increases.Suppose that n, m → ∞, with m/n → α > 0. Our goal is to examine the limiting behaviour of the expected number E[N (n, m)] of left null vectors, and the limiting probability P[σ(n, m) > 0] of a mod-2 linear dependency of the rows of M (n, m), as a function of the parameter α, and especially to derive computable thresholds at which phase transitions occur. We also study the rate of exponential decay of the probability that 1 : = (1, 1, . . . , 1) is a null vector.The probabilistic setting that we consider has the rows X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X m being independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) with the law of a random vector X = X(n) ∈ {0, 1} n . The problem has different flavours depending on the underlying law of X, and several regimes have received considerable attention in the literature, including:(a) The dense regime in which X has order n non-zero components; the standard model studied in this regime has X distributed uniformly over {0, 1} n .(b) The classical sparse regime in which X has order log n non-zero components.(c) The uniformly (very) sparse regime in which X has O(1) non-zero components.The main focus of the present paper is regime (c) (albeit our 'O(1)' may be random for each row, and might not even have a mean); in Section 2.7 below we briefly discuss other models that have been studi...