A large amount of
fracturing fluid enters a well of a shale gas
reservoir to create a fracture network, but the recovery of fracturing
fluid is generally less than 30%. Fracturing fluid from the hydraulic
fractures usually invades the microfractures and matrix by spontaneous
imbibition during the shut-in. Recent studies show that the water–rock
interaction may induce shale structure failures, which can significantly
affect imbibition rate. Due to the presence of oxidizable compositions
(e.g., pyrite and organic matter (OM)), oxidation easily induced the
structure failures and dissolution pores. However, its effects on
imbibition of water into the shale is poorly understood. In this study,
imbibition experiments of deionized water (DI water) and oxidative
fluid under no confining pressure conditions were conducted to determine
the imbibition characteristics; shale cubes (1 cm × 1 cm ×
1 cm) and crushed samples (380–830 μm) were treated by
DI water and oxidative fluid for revelation of the change in the composition
and the associated dissolution structures and explanation of the imbibition
characteristics of oxidative fluid in shale. The results show that
the final amount of oxidative fluid imbibed is higher than that of
DI water; oxidation-induced microfractures during the imbibition lead
to a “phase step” of the normalized imbibed volume vs
time curve and “S” characteristic of the normalized
imbibed volume vs square root of time (sqrt time) curve. These differences
are mainly caused by the improvement of the imbibition pathway and
the increase of water retention space by oxidation. After the oxidation
treatment of crushed shale samples for 48 h, lots of oxidation-induced
microfractures and dissolution pores were observed by field-emission
scanning electron microscopy. Combining the analysis of X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) found that the dissolution
pores seemed to strongly contribute to the loss of calcite, dolomite,
and pyrite. Results from mercury injection capillary pressure analysis
showed that the oxidative dissolution could lead to a high porosity
and good connectivity of nanoscale pores networks in shale cubes.
Moreover, oxidative dissolution decreased the barriers of microfracture
propagation according to the decrease of zeta potential in the shale–water
system and, meanwhile, accelerated the release of clay hydration forces
to induce microfractures. The results indicate that the coordinative
effect between spontaneous imbibition and oxidative dissolution may
play a significant role in increasing the gas supply ability of nanoscale
pores and microfractures, thus achieving oxidizing stimulation of
shale formation to enhance shale gas recovery.