We have analyzed modifications on platelet ultrastructural morphology, cytoskeletal assembly, and tyrosine phosphorylation developing in platelets activated by both thrombin and the thrombin receptoractivating peptide (TRAP). Washed platelets exposed to various concentrations of thrombin or TRAP, for different periods, were: fixed and examined by electron microscopy, or lysed and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Under similar activating conditions, thrombin and TRAP induced different sequences of activation causing distinctive morphological and biochemical changes. Platelets exposed to thrombin showed centralized organelles encircled by constricted microtubule coils and granules secreting their contents through narrow channels of the open canalicular system. In contrast, activation by TRAP induced swelling of the open canalicular system with organelles remaining randomly dispersed and microtubules peripherally distributed. Compared to thrombin activation, TRAP induced higher rates of actin polymerization; increased association of actin-binding protein, myosin, and ␣-actinin; and higher association of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins with the insoluble cytoskeletal fraction. Secretion of intragranule substances, measured as expression of P-selectin and lysosomal integral membrane protein at the surface level, were similar for both agonists at equivalent concentrations. Platelet response depends on the nature and degree of the activating stimulus. Thrombin is one of the most powerful platelet-activating agents and is able to promote a full range of platelet responses, including the increase in the concentration of cytoplasmic Ca ϩϩ , leading to the activation of signaling cascades with shape change, internal contraction, and secretion. Platelet response to thrombin activation is guaranteed by the presence of at least two types of receptors, with high and moderate affinity for thrombin. The former is located in the N-terminal domain of the GPIb␣, 1-3 and the later with moderate affinity belong to the G protein-coupled seven transmembrane domain superfamily, known as protease-activated receptors (PARs). 4,5 Cleavage of PAR-1 by ␣-thrombin yields an agonistic new amino terminus with the initial sequence SFLLRN. This peptide sequence, termed thrombin receptor-activating peptide (TRAP), can also activate this receptor. TRAP is able to induce aggregation and secretion by similar mechanisms than thrombin, 4 it is also involved in inositol phosphatase metabolism, 6 in inhibition of adenylcyclase, 7 and in protein phosphorylation. 8 Although it is generally accepted that TRAP acting on PAR-1 has the ability to induce many of the cellular responses observed after thrombin activation, comparative studies show that TRAP seems to be less efficient to induce the whole sequence of responses caused by thrombin. 4,9 -13 Considering that thrombin has an additional receptor on GPIb␣, differential responses to both agonists should be expected.The present study has comparatively investigated morph...