One of the most noted construction methods of 3-vertex-connected graphs is due to Tutte and is based on the following fact: Any 3-vertex-connected graph G = (V, E) on more than 4 vertices contains a contractible edge, i.e., an edge whose contraction generates a 3-connected graph. This implies the existence of a sequence of edge contractions from G to the complete graph K 4 , such that every intermediate graph is 3-vertex-connected. A theorem of Barnette and Grünbaum gives a similar sequence using removals on edges instead of contractions. We show how to compute both sequences in optimal time, improving the previously best known running times of O(|V | 2 ) to O(|E|). This result has a number of consequences; an important one is a new linear-time test of 3-connectivity that is certifying; finding such an algorithm has been a major open problem in the design of certifying algorithms in recent years. The test is conceptually different from well-known linear-time 3-connectivity tests and uses a certificate that is easy to verify in time O(|E|). We show how to extend the results to an optimal certifying test of 3-edge-connectivity.1. Introduction. The class of 3-connected (i.e., 3-vertex-connected) graphs has been studied intensively for many reasons in the past 50 years. Algorithmic applications include problems in graph drawing (see [41] for a survey), problems related to planarity [8,27], and online problems on planar graphs (see [7] for a survey). From a complexity point of view, 3-connectivity is in particular important for problems dealing with longest paths, because it lies, somewhat surprisingly, on the borderline of NP-hardness: Finding a Hamiltonian cycle is NP-hard for 3-connected planar graphs [24] but becomes solvable in linear running time [13] for higher connectivity, as 4-connected planar graphs are Hamiltonian [62].From a top-level view, we design an efficient algorithm from an inductively defined construction of a graph class. For a given graph class C, such constructions start with a set of base graphs and apply iteratively operations from a finite set of operations such that precisely the members of C are constructed. Not only does this give a computational approach to test graphs for membership in C, but it can also be exploited to prove properties of C using just arguments on the base graphs and the finitely many operations. Graph theory provides inductively defined constructions for many graph classes, including planar graphs, triangulations, k-connected graphs for k ≤ 4, regular graphs, and various intersections of these classes [4,5,31]. Most of these constructions have not been exploited computationally.For an inductively defined construction of C and a graph G ∈ C, we call a sequence of operations that is applied to a specified base graph to construct G a construction sequence of G. We will also identify a construction sequence with the sequence of