Plant RHO-like ROP proteins are multifunctional switches involved in a variety of plant signaling processes, such as growth and development, cytoskeleton organization, secretion, hormone response, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and susceptibility and resistance to plant pathogens. [1][2][3][4] As molecular switches, RAC/ROPs exist in a GDP-bound inactive form and a GTP-bound active form for targeting downstream effectors. The intrinsic GTPase activity of RAC/ROP proteins is low and requires specific activation by ROPGAPs (ROP GTPASE-ACTIVATING PROTEINs). ROPGAPs are typical members of the eukaryotic RHOGAP family and contain an arginine finger in their conserved catalytic GAP domain, which is supposed to reach into the GTP-binding pocket for stimulation of the GTPase activity of RAC/ROPs, resulting in hydrolysis of GTP and RAC/ROP shutdown.
5In the monocots barley or rice, several RAC/ROP proteins are involved in plant-pathogen interactions. In rice, OsRAC1 is a positive regulator of defense against the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea by stimulating ROS production and cell death through interaction with an NADPH oxidase. 6,7 In barley, HvRACB was identified as susceptibility factor to penetration by Blumeria graminis f.sp hordei (Bgh), influencing actin reorganization during pathogen attack. [8][9][10][11][12] Stable knock-down of HvRACB expression inhibits penetration success of Bgh and impairs establishment and expansion of fungal haustoria in barley epidermal cells. Furthermore, HvRACB is required for initiation and elongation of barley root hairs and affects adult plant height similar the barley roP GtPase hvraCB is a susceptibility factor of barley to powdery mildew caused by the biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp hordei (Bgh). in a recent publication, we reported about a miCrotuBuLE-aSSoCiatED roP GtPaSE-aCtiVatiNG ProtEiN (hvmaGaP1) of barley. transient-induced gene silencing or overexpression of hvmaGaP1 resulted in enhanced or reduced susceptibility to Bgh, respectively, indicating a possible hvraCB-antagonistic function of hvmaGaP1 in interaction with Bgh. hvmaGaP1 also influences the polarity of cortical microtubules in interaction with Bgh. in atroPGaP1 and atroPGaP4, arabidopsis homologs of hvmaGaP1, knockout t-DNa insertions enhanced susceptibility of arabidopsis to the virulent powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe cruciferarum, indicating functions of roPGaPs in pathogen interaction of monocots and dicots. here we discuss the role of atroPGaP1 and atroPGaP4 in arabidopsis pathogenesis of powdery mildew in some more detail.