The subject of the article is the verification on a real scale of the technology for producing a catalytic system of engine exhaust gases with a mass reduction of approx.20%, meeting the Euro IV, V and VI emission standards using an innovative method of using waste, the so called „washcoat” from the recovery of precious metals used to make the active layer of the catalyst. The share of recycled precious metals is up to 20%. The intermediate layer consists of 70% washcoat mainly containing aluminium oxide and up to 20% washcoat with recycled precious metals. The active layer consists of precious metals, i.e. platinium, palladium and rhodium, in the right ratio and amount per 1 liter of catalytic block to achieve the specified emission standard. Due to the qualification of rare earth materials as critical, it allows to reduce the use of raw materials to 20% depending on the monolith model. The project focuses on a low-carbon economy and resilience to climate change.