Abstract:In this study, it is aimed to reduce the variability of parameters in the liquid level system controlled by PID controller for a laboratory scale device. An integrated methodology consisting of experimental design and feedback PID (proportional-integralderivative) controller was proposed to optimize and control the deviation from the average value in the offset value, variability in the offset value and the time to reach the set value in this liquid level system. The optimal valve opening levels that minimizes the average of the offset value (µ), variance (s 2 ) and the first time to reach the set value (t) were determined as 40%, 5%, 50% and 80%, respectively, using TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution)-based Taguchi method by Minitab®. A quite successful control was established in the verification test which performed with specified levels of optimal valve opening. Recovery rates in the control performance before and after optimizing the parameter were calculated as 9.53% in the deviation from the average value in the offset values, 29.37% in the variability in the offset value and 11.27% in the time to reach the set value. MATLAB/Simulink was used to simulate the liquid level system.