We present a pluggable radiation-tolerant 4-level Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM4) optical transmitter module called GBT20 (Giga-Bit Transmitter at 20 Gbps) for particle-physics experiments. GBT20 has an OSFP or firefly connector to input 16 bit data each at 1.28 Gbps. The GBT20 drives a VCSEL die with an LC lens or a VCSEL TOSA and interfaces an optical fiber with a standard LC connector. The minimum module, including the host connector, occupies 41 mm × 13 mm × 6 mm. At 20.48 Gbps, the minimum Transmitter Dispersion Eye Closure Quaternary (TDECQ) is around 0.7 dB. The power consumption is around 164 mW in the low-power mode. The SEE cross-section is below 7.5 × 10−14 cm2. No significant performance degrades after a TID of 5.4 kGy.