A meander system is a union of two arc systems that represent non-crossing pairings of the set [2n] = {1,. .. , 2n} in the upper and lower half-plane. In this paper, we consider random meander systems. We show that for a class of random meander systems,-for simply-generated meander systems,-the number of cycles in a system of size n grows linearly with n and that the length of the largest cycle in a uniformly random meander system grows at least as c log n with c > 0. We also present numerical evidence suggesting that in a simply-generated meander system of size n, (i) the number of cycles of length k n is ∼ nk −β , where β ≈ 2, and (ii) the length of the largest cycle is ∼ n α , where α is close to 4/5. We compare these results with the growth rates in other families of meander systems, which we call rainbow meanders and comb-like meanders, and which show significantly different behavior.