Elena Kokoulina on behalf of the SVD-2 Collaboration JINR, Joliot-Curie 6, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Neutral pion fluctuations have been measured in proton interactions at U-70 accelerator (IHEP, Protvino). The experiment is carried out with the SVD-2 setup. Charged and neutral particles were registered simultaneously. The reconstruction of π 0 -mesons is fulfilled using gamma quanta registered with the electromagnetic calorimeter. The corrections on the detectors acceptance, triggering, efficiencies and the reconstruction algorithm were applied. The multiplicity distributions of the neutral pions were analysed to define the scaled variance, ω, for π 0 -mesons. The revealed sharp growth of fluctuations of the neutral pion number at total meson multiplicities more than 22 can indicate the Bose-Einstein condensate formation.