Abstract. In an earlier paper [Minimizing a quadratic over a sphere, SIAM J. Optim., 12 (2001), 188-208], we presented the sequential subspace method (SSM) for minimizing a quadratic over a sphere. This method generates approximations to a minimizer by carrying out the minimization over a sequence of subspaces that are adjusted after each iterate is computed. We showed in this earlier paper that when the subspace contains a vector obtained by applying one step of Newton's method to the first-order optimality system, SSM is locally, quadratically convergent, even when the original problem is degenerate with multiple solutions and with a singular Jacobian in the optimality system. In this paper, we prove (nonlocal) convergence of SSM to a global minimizer whenever each SSM subspace contains the following three vectors: (i) the current iterate, (ii) the gradient of the cost function evaluated at the current iterate, and (iii) an eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue of the cost function Hessian. For nondegenerate problems, the convergence rate is at least linear when vectors (i)-(iii) are included in the SSM subspace.