COMMUNICATIONAs shown in Figure 1 , we fabricated several planar metamolecular arrays that consist of two orthogonal SRRs in each unit cell on a double-polished high resistivity silicon. The fabrication was performed using conventional photolithography, development, metallization, and lift-off processes (See the Experimental Section for details). All the SRRs are identical in size that are made up of aluminum and the geometrical parameters are shown in Figure 1 . The left and right SRRs in the meta-molecular unit cell are designated as SRR1 and SRR2, respectively. SRR1 and SRR2 are orthogonally twisted and the distance between them in the unit cell is constant at d = 3 µm to ensure that two SRRs are well within the near-fi eld coupling distance. [ 21 ] The SRR2 in MM1 and MM2 are rotated clockwise and anticlockwise, respectively by 90° relative to SRR1 in order to obtain the polarization dependent excitation of meta-atoms in the meta-molecule.In order to measure the response of MM1 and MM2, we employed an 8-f antenna-based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system [ 36 ] with a set of polarizers inserted in the measurement system to coherently measure the co-and crosspolarized transmission signals (See the Experimental Section for detail). [ 29 ] We obtained the time-domain waveforms and then converted them into frequency domain spectra with both amplitude and phase information using Fourier transform. The transmission amplitude spectra | ( )| t ji ω and the phase informa- ω is the complex transmitted reference signal, respectively. Here, the reference is an identical blank silicon substrate, and i and j represent the input and output polarization states. All the measurements were performed at normal incidence in dry nitrogen atmosphere. As shown in Figure 2 a,b, we exhibit the copolarized transmission spectra with x -polarized and y -polarized incidence, respectively. While comparing the response of MM1 and MM2 in Figure 2 a with x -polarized excitation where SRR1 is the directly excited meta-atom, a nonintuitive phenomenon occurs where MM1 and MM2 reveal disparate behaviors in the copolarized spectra. The mode interference spectrum of MM1 is commonly known due to the inductive coupling between SRR1 and SRR2 where the directly excited bright SRR1 induces the resonance in the unexcited SRR2 through a magnetic dipole that is defi ned as indirectly excited dark meta-atom. Surprisingly, we do not observe any spectral splitting in MM2 which indicates the absence of inductive coupling between SRR1 and SRR2. A similar orientation dependent coupling behavior is also revealed in Figure 2 b with y -polarized incidence where SRR2 is directly excited. The spectra with x -polarized and y -polarized incidence reveal the different response that originates from the anisotropy due to Metamaterials provide a distinct platform to manipulate the electromagnetic properties of artifi cially designed media for active and passive device functionalities, such as cloaking, [ 1 ] sensing, [ 2 ] perfect abs...