Until recently, little was known about the existence of wandering Fatou components for rational maps in more than one complex variables. In 2014, examples of wandering Fatou components were constructed in Astorg et al. [1] for polynomial skew-products with an invariant parabolic fiber. In 2004 Lilov already proved the non-existence of wandering Fatou components for polynomial skew-products in the basin of an invariant super-attracting fiber. In the current work we investigate in how far his methods carry over to the geometrically attracting case. Lilov proved a stronger statement, namely that the orbit of any horizontal disk in the super-attracting basin must eventually intersect a fattened Fatou components. Here we give explicit constructions to show that this stronger result is false in the geometrically attracting case. However, we also prove that the constructed disks do not give rise to wandering Fatou components. Our construction therefore leaves open the existence of wandering Fatou components in the geometrically attracting case, showing however that the situation is significantly more complicated than in the super-attracting case.