The lipid compositions of two azole-sensitive (A and B2630) and two azole-resistant (AD and KB) strains of the opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans were studied by using several lipid extraction procedures: no differences were observed between the lipid content or total phospholipid/neutral lipid ratios of the four strains. All contained phosphatidylethanolamine, phosp hatidylc holine, phosphatid ylinosi to1 and p hosp hat id ylserine as major phospholipids, with smaller amounts of phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol ; the relative proportions of these lipids differed between all four strains. The fatty acid composition of each major phospholipid within each strain differed, and there were also interstrain differences. A marked effect of culture growth phase in batch culture on lipid composition was observed. The major neutral lipids in each strain were triacylglycerol, non-esterified sterol and non-esterified fatty acid. The fatty acid compositions of the three fatty-acid-containing neutral lipids were distinct from each other and the phospholipids, and there were also interstrain differences. All strains possessed (1yso)phospholipase activity, which was nonspecific. The proportions of triacylglycerol and non-esterified fatty acid did not vary between strains, but the azole-resistant strains AD and KB contained more non-esterified sterol, giving them a phospholipid/sterol ratio approximately half that of azole-sensitive strains. There appeared to be a relationship between the phospholipid/sterol ratio of exponentially growing sensitive strains and their ability to take up azole; this did not extend to the resistant strains, which either did not take up azole (AD and KB) or took it up at a faster rate (Darlington) than sensitive strains.
INTRODUCTIONCandida albicans is a widespread and troublesome opportunistic pathogen that causes a variety of superficial and deep-seated mycoses (Odds, 1979). Of the relatively few antifungal antibiotics available, those most commonly used to treat candidosis are the polyenes and the more recently introduced imidazoles (Speller, 1980). Polyenes work by complexing with membrane sterols (Hamilton-Miller, 1973). The primary action of imidazoles is probably inhibition of ergosterol synthesis that leads to an accumulation of 14a-methyl sterols which disrupt membrane structure and function (Van den Bossche et ul., 1982, 1983). However, imidazole actions are complex: they also inhibit a number of other yeast (and mammalian) membrane-bound enzymes (Uno et al., Mason et al., 1985), and at higher concentrations some of them affect yeast membranes by direct interaction with lipids (Cope, 1980; Brasseur et al., 1983).Clinical isolates of C. albicans vary considerably in their sensitivities to imidazoles (e.g. see Ryley et al., 1984), and azole-resistant strains have been isolated (Holt & Azmi, 1978 ;Horsburgh & Kirkpatrick, 1983; Warnock et al., 1983). The failure of two of these resistant strains (AD and , 1984). This might be due to an altered membrane lipid compos...