The( + +)-as well as the (À)-enantiomer of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid xenovenine were prepared within five steps with 17 and 30% overall yields,r espectively,i no ptically pure form, > 99% ee as well as > 99% de.I nt he asymmetric key step at ransaminase performed ar egio-and stereoselective monoamination of at riketone.B ye mployingt wo enantiocomplementary transaminases from Arthrobacter sp. both enantiomers were accessible.T he triketone was readily prepared via two steps starting from commercially available,a chiral 2-(n-heptyl)furan. In the final catalytic hydrogenation step,t he newly introduced chiral centre directedh ydrogen addition to form preferentially the desired (5Z,8E)-diastereomer. The regio-ands tereoselective amination of as ingle ketonem oiety out of three allowed the performance of the shortest and highest yielding total synthesiso f the bicyclic showcase pyrrolizidine alkaloid without the need for protecting strategies.