The motivation of this study is built from the previous research to find a way to enhance the forecast of advanced and emerging market currency volatilities. Given the exchange rate's nonlinear and time-varying characteristics, we introduce the neural networks (NN) approach to enhance the Markov Switching Beta-Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (MS-Betat-EGARCH) model. Our hybrid model synthesizes these two approaches' advantages to predict exchange rate volatility. We validate the performance of our proposed model by comparing it with various traditional volatility forecasting models. In-sample and out-of-sample volatility forecasts are considered to achieve our comparison. The empirical results suggest that our hybrid NN-MS Beta-t-EGARCH outperforms the other models for both emerging and advanced market currencies. INDEX TERMS Exchange rate volatility, neural networks, Markov-switching Beta-t-EGARCH. I. INTRODUCTION Volatility represents the degree to which variable changes over time, and it is an essential facet in risk evaluation of many essential economic tasks such as value at risk, financial asset pricing, and exchange rate [52]. Volatility has three significant characteristics in the financial area, namely, volatility clustering property [37], asymmetric property [10], and nonlinearity property [19]. These properties lead to uncertainty in financial time series. In the context of economic globalization, international transactions, and capital flow across the borders have increased. There is an indisputable fact that the foreign exchange market is a crucial factor affecting the transactions and capital flows. Thus, policymakers must understand the exchange rate volatility before making fiscal and monetary policy decisions, especially in those import-led and export-led countries. In this respect, our study aims to forecast the exchange rate volatility of the three emerging markets' currencies, namely the Brazilian Real, Chinese Yuan, and Indian Rupee, and three advanced markets' currencies, namely, Euro, The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Francesco Benedetto .