Many natural and engineering systems contain interfaces. The modeling of such systems is often encumbered by complicated geometries, evolving discontinuities, as well as local spatial and temporal scales that may differ from the bulk scales by orders of magnitude. These issues present significant challenges to conventional computational methods, in which meshes are aligned with geometric features.Embedded interface methods (also known as immersed boundary or fictitious domain) are designed to increase the geometric flexibility of discretization schemes and to alleviate meshingrelated difficulties. This is achieved often by special techniques for enforcing interface conditions. Among the desirable traits of such techniques are accuracy and computational efficiency, simplicity of concept and implementation, and robustness and geometric versatility. Different schemes offer some of these features and lack others.The challenge of developing methods that properly balance the various features is by no means a trivial matter, as the 11 papers of this issue clearly demonstrate. In broad terms, one group of papers emphasizes geometric aspects [1-3], a second group focuses on multi-field interaction [4][5][6], and the remainder deals with formulation and implementational aspects of embedded interface methods [7][8][9][10][11].Burman et al.[1] combine the CutFEM approach for easing the burden of mesh generation with Nitsche's method and ghost penalty stabilization, emphasizing implementational issues.Cenanovic et al.[2] propose a novel method for computing minimal surfaces, using a discretization of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a two-dimensional surface, embedded in a threedimensional mesh. The approach provides proven accuracy of the computed curvature vector used to drive the evolution of the surface.Gawlik et al.[3] present a framework for computing incompressible, viscous flow around a moving obstacle with prescribed evolution using a universal mesh. By immersing the obstacle in a background mesh and adjusting a few elements in the neighborhood of obstacle's boundary, the strategy provides a conforming triangulation of the fluid domain at all times over which a spatial discretization of the fluid velocity and pressure fields of any desired order may be constructed using standard finite elements.Folzan et al.[4] present a discretization strategy of the normal velocity constraint in a multivelocity multi-material single mesh ALE scheme. The proposed interface Lagrange multiplier is constant by cell, requiring an adequate local enrichment of the velocity field and allowing strain discontinuity at the interface.Hachem et al.[5] describe a stabilized three-field velocity-pressure-stress formulation for fluidstructure interaction problems, designed for cases involving elastic structures and rigid bodies