We introduce a generalization of sequential compactness using barriers on
$\omega $
extending naturally the notion introduced in [W. Kubiś and P. Szeptycki, On a topological Ramsey theorem, Canad. Math. Bull., 66 (2023), 156–165]. We improve results from [C. Corral and O. Guzmán and C. López-Callejas, High dimensional sequential compactness, Fund. Math.] by building spaces that are
${\mathcal {B}}$
-sequentially compact but not
${\mathcal {C}}$
-sequentially compact when the barriers
${\mathcal {B}}$
${\mathcal {C}}$
satisfy certain rank assumption which turns out to be equivalent to a Katětov-order assumption. Such examples are constructed under the assumption
${\mathfrak {b}} ={\mathfrak {c}}$
. We also exhibit some classes of spaces that are
${\mathcal {B}}$
-sequentially compact for every barrier
${\mathcal {B}}$
, including some classical classes of compact spaces from functional analysis, and as a byproduct, we obtain some results on angelic spaces. Finally, we introduce and compute some cardinal invariants naturally associated to barriers.