An effort is underway to develop a chimera ow simulation code capable of handling the external aerodynamics of general launch vehicle con gurations. Aerodynamic results are presented referring to inviscid, laminar, and turbulent viscous simulations of the rst Brazilian satellite launch vehicle during its rst-stage ight. The nite difference method is applied to the governing equations, written in conservation-law form for general body conforming curvilinear coordinates. The spatial discretization is accomplished with a central difference scheme in which arti cial dissipation terms, based on a scalar, nonisotropic model, are added to the numerical scheme to maintain stability. The time-marching process is accomplished with a ve-stage, second-order accurate, RungeKutta scheme. Studies of mesh re nement are also presented as a part of the validation effort, with the objective of providing a certi ed ow simulation capability for actual engineering work.
Nomenclatureand N G v = viscous ux vectors e = total energy per unit volume J = Jacobian of the transformation M = Mach number p = pressure N Q = vector of conserved variables Re = Reynolds number U; V , and W = contravariant velocity components u; v, and w = Cartesian velocity components ® = angle of attack°= ratio of speci c heats ± = standard three-point central difference operators N ± = midpoint central difference operators ½ = density Subscript 1 = freestream quantities