The purpose of this paper, Part IIA in the trilogy (Int J Appl Glass Sci. 2018;9:263-277; Int J Appl Glass Sci. 2018 (in press); Int J Appl Glass Sci. 2018 (in press)), is to describe the continuum models employed to deduce the physical, acoustic, and optical properties of optical fibers that exhibit intrinsically low optical nonlinearities. The continuum models described herein are based on the additivity approaches of Winklemann and Schott (W-S). Initially developed over 120 years ago, W-S additivity works well for predicting the basic properties of bulk silicate glasses. While high-silica-content glasses are still the gold-standard for telecommunication and high energy laser fibers, the models have been systematically expanded to include deduction of the physical, thermophysical, and acoustic constants and coefficients that bear on parasitic nonlinearities. The stateof-the-art in W-S-based continuum materials models is reviewed here with specific examples provided based on canonical material systems suggested from the findings of Part I and treated in detail in Part III.
K E Y W O R D Slasers, optical fibers, optical glasses, optical properties 1 | INTRODUCTION Without today's understanding of atomistic and quantum physics and chemistry and the benefits of modern high performance computing, our scientific ancestors developed continuum models for predicting the behavior of a range of materials. Amongst the original approaches was that of Adolph Winkelmann, who introduced an additivity approach for calculating the specific heat of (oxide) glasses of arbitrary composition based on the physical properties of the individual components. That said, one does today have the benefit of high performance computing and numerous atomistic and quantum chemical models and codes with which to simulate the performance of glasses.2-4 As a matter of fact, the simulation of glass properties and processing has become so effective, that glasses have been brought to commercial markets entirely designed and optimized based on modeling.5 Accordingly, the Readers are then within their rights to wonder why continuum-level additivity models as described herein are employed. The simple answer is simplicity . . . and speed and versatility. In the work described in Companion Paper III, 6 there are entire binary, ternary, and quaternary glass systems whose properties need to be estimated in order to predict their physical, acoustic, and optical behavior as relates to the nonlinearities described in Paper I. 7 A macroscale continuum approach offers a rapid yet sufficiently accurate method for screening large computational spaces.--