“…(B) Sequence alignment of stem regions of different flaviviruses using MAFFT (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/mafft, accessed on 5 July 2021) and ENDscript (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ ESPript/, accessed on 5 July 2021) [19]). The yellow star above the sequences labels the conserved tryptophan targeted in this study, the blue dots below the contact residues of E in the pocket site 1 with lipids [12]. TBEV, tick-borne encephalitis virus; OHFV, Omsk hemorrhagic virus; POWV, Powassan virus; KSIV, Karshi virus; DENV1-4, dengue virus serotypes 1-4; ZIKV, Zika virus; SPOV, Spondweni virus; WNV, West Nile virus; JEV, Japanese encephalitis virus; NTAV, Ntaya virus; YFV, yellow fever virus; WSLV, Wesselsbron virus; YOKV, Yokose virus; ENTV, Entebbe bat virus; RBV, Rio Bravo virus; MODV, Modoc virus.…”