A,S b 4 C CI .C:n I1 K 1 , I: 2 b; ' C It 110 Ill, 1-1 Hanit, H~.n>itl h' h'o K 1 4 2 L P p11.111:Ix I ' Q1.Q' = ~wcssure-viscosity coefficients = semiwitlth ol' tlertzian contact (111) = coeflicicnt of friction = specific hcat of lubricant (Jkg-I "C-I) = spccilic hcat of slide-roll botlies (j kg-' "C-I ) = tliameter of roller (m) = moduli of el;~st.ic botlies (Nm-') = effective elastic motlulus of slicle-roll bodies E' = 2ElE2/[E2(I -6 : ) + E l ( I .-(NIT]-') = non-tlimcnsion:~l 11i;lterial par;tnicter (G = aE') = film thickness (m) = central lil~n thickness (m) = exit filtn thickness (tn) = non-tlirncnsi~>~i:tl lil~n thickness H = IJK = non-tlimcnsion;n:l ~ninimum film thickness = non-tliniensiond niinimum film thickness for Newtot1i;tn Iluitl = thermal contluctivity of lubricant (Ns-I OC-') = thertnal contluctivity of lubricant at the atmospheric pressure (Ns-' "C-I) = thermal cot~tluctivit~ of slide-roll bodies (Ns-' "C-I) = non-tlimensio~i:tl Hertzian seniiwitlth L = blR = pressure (~m -' ) = maximum Hertze pressure (Nm-") = non-dimensional pressure P = PIE' = tenipcraturc-viscosity coefficien~s R RIR:! = cffec~ive ratlius of slitle-roll bodies I< = -Neruton-Rr~pI~s~~n ilemtio~t method ltrcs been n(lo$ted to obtnin full nu?~terical solzttion.sfi~r tlte line contncl EHL. Tlte ch(tngcs ~f t h~ slirlelroll rcltio, limitiirg sliear stress and uisco.sity, whiclt mrtinly reJlect the r~ort-Ne7utoni(tn helt(~uior of lz~hric(tn~s, have beett ruirlcly investiguted. Tlte cffecLs on llte line contact EHL (we d i~c l~s~c d . Furtlterniorc, tlte Pnrtiuf tltermal EHL sobctio~u ltnue bee~t prcse~tted for the te~n.per(fnlure and shenr .stre.s.s d i s t~i b z~t i~l~s (LS well ccs the coeficients of fijction on the s~~lf(fnce.s. f i e re.s~clls rf tlteoreticnl ana1yse.s contpare loell witlt the experiwre~ilnl rlrtta.= surlicc temperatures of slitlc-roll I,otlies (OC) = mean tcmlx'-;tture of Ittbric;~nt across the lil~n (OC) = reference temperature (OC) -= non-tlitncnsio~i:tl tenipel-au~rc 7' = TlTo = velocity in direction of motion ( n u -' ) = nun-tlimcnsio~i>~l velocity ii = irlU = vclocitics of slitlc-roll botlics (111s-') = rolling velocity ofslitle-roll botlies U = 0.5(U1 + U:,) (rns-I ) = non-tlilr~ensional rolling velocity V = 0.5(UI + Un)~lolE'R = non-tlinietisiv~ial sliding velocity V, = (U2 -Ul)'lo/E'I< = loatl per unit length (Nm-I) = non-tlirnensiotial loatl W = 7ull:"H = coortlinatrs (m) = pressure-viscosity coefficie~it of lubricant a = AIR (m2N-I) = limiting she:tr stress prol>ortionality co~ist:~t~ts -she . . ., ' -' 11 st1 .~I I I 12tc y = alllay ( 11s) = viscosity of lubricant (~s r n -~) = viscosity ol' I~cbricant at relkrcnce tctnpel-aturc ant1 atmospheric pressure (Ns~ii-') = Poisson ration of slitle-roll botlies = density of lubricant at attilospheric pressure (kgtn-:') = tlcnsity of slide-roll botlies (kgm-") = shear stress (Nm-') = limiting shear stress (Nm-') = limiting she;ir stress initial const;lnt (NIII-') = non-dimensional shear stress 7 = TIE' = non-dimensional she;tr srr;tin rate h = T~I T ,~ D...