Three new approximately uniform color spaces named MLUV, MLUV1, and MLUV2 were developed by modifying CIELUV lightness, chromaticity coordinates, and color coordinates, respectively. Performance tests using the combined and four individual datasets employed at CIEDE2000 development showed that MLUV, MLUV1 and MLUV2 were significantly better than CIELUV. Using values of Standardized Residual Sum of Squares (CIE 217:2016) for predictions of the four individual datasets the ranking (from best to worst) was MLUV, MLUV2 and MLUV1, but for predictions of two ellipses datasets the ranking (from best to worst) was MLUV2, MLUV, and MLUV1. Overall, the MLUV2 space was found to be the best. Hence, it is expected that MLUV2 could be used for color specification and color difference evaluations, especially in industrial applications that depend on additive light mixing, such as color TV sets, video monitors, and lighting.