Two long-standing problems for superresolution (SR) fluorescence microscopy are high illumination intensity and long acquisition time, which significantly hamper its application for live-cell imaging. Reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs) have made it possible to dramatically lower the illumination intensities in saturated depletion-based SR techniques, such as saturated depletion nonlinear structured illumination microscopy (NL-SIM) and reversible saturable optical fluorescence transition microscopy. The characteristics of RSFPs most critical for SR live-cell imaging include, first, the integrated fluorescence signal across each switching cycle, which depends upon the absorption cross-section, effective quantum yield, and characteristic switching time from the fluorescent "on" to "off" state; second, the fluorescence contrast ratio of on/off states; and third, the photostability under excitation and depletion. Up to now, the RSFPs of the Dronpa and rsEGFP (reversibly switchable EGFP) families have been exploited for SR imaging. However, their limited number of switching cycles, relatively low fluorescence signal, and poor contrast ratio under physiological conditions ultimately restrict their utility in time-lapse live-cell imaging and their ability to reach the desired resolution at a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio. Here, we present a truly monomeric RSFP, Skylan-NS, whose properties are optimized for the recently developed patterned activation NL-SIM, which enables low-intensity (∼100 W/cm 2 ) live-cell SR imaging at ∼60-nm resolution at subsecond acquisition times for tens of time points over broad field of view.
Skylan-NSI n the last two decades, the power of fluorescence microscopy has been enhanced by the addition of superresolution (SR) imaging techniques (1-7). Although every SR technique has been successfully demonstrated to resolve ultrastructures beyond the diffraction limit, many of them encounter practical limitations when imaging nano-scale dynamics in living biological samples, especially over long times and large fields of view. For example, the thousands of raw frames typically acquired for a single-molecule localizationbased SR image greatly restrict the temporal resolution of the technique (1, 2, 8) and make it susceptible to blurring induced by cellular motion. On the other hand, structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is capable of live-cell time-lapse imaging for tens to hundreds of time points, at speeds as fast as 11 frames per second (9) and illumination intensities of only 1-100 W/cm 2 . However, its major shortcoming is that it improves resolution only twofold, to ∼100 nm. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy (4) and saturated SIM (SSIM) (7, 10, 11) are not subject to this constraint but rather provide diffraction unlimited resolution by exploiting a nonlinear dependence of the fluorescence emission rate upon an illumination intensity. Saturation of the excited electronic state S 1 to ground state S 0 (S 1 →S 0 ) via stimulated emission is used in STED,...