We construct exceptional collections of line bundles of maximal length 4 on S = (C ×D)/G which is a surface isogenous to a higher product with p g = q = 0 where G = G(32, 27) is a finite group of order 32 having number 27 in the list of Magma library. From these exceptional collections, we obtain new examples of quasiphantom categories as their orthogonal complements.A surface S which is isomorphic to (C ×D)/G where C, D are curves of genus ≥ 2 and G is a finite group acting on C × D freely is called a surface isogenous to a higher product. Surfaces isogenous to a higher product are interesting and important classes of surfaces of general type. They play an important role in the study of moduli spaces of general type surfaces. Bauer, Catanese and Grunewald classified surfaces isogenous to a higher product of unmixed type with p g = q = 0 in [4]. In particular, they proved that the possible list ofA 5 cases. It is very natural to expect that derived categories of all surfaces isogenous to a higher product with p g = q = 0 have quasiphantom categories in their derived categories. However quasiphantom categories in derived categories of surfaces had not been constructed for G = G(32, 27), A 5 cases.In this paper we construct exceptional collections of line bundles of maximal length 4 on S = (C × D)/G which is a surface isogenous to a higher product with p g = q = 0 and G is G(32, 27). From these exceptional collections we can obtain new examples of quasiphantom categories. They are obtained as the orthogonal complements of the exceptional collections of maximal length 4 on S.Acknowledgement. We are grateful to Changho Keem, Young-Hoon Kiem for their words of encouragement. We thank Fabrizio Catanese for answering many questions and helpful discussions. We also thank Alexander Kuznetsov for his suggestion to use a computer program to compute the derived categories of the family of surfaces considered in this paper. Part of this work was done when the third named author was a research fellow of Korea Institute for Advanced Study. He thanks KIAS for wonderful working condition and kind hospitality.This work was also supported by IBS-R003-Y1. Last but not least, we thank the referees for their valuable comments which helped us to improve the manuscript.Notations. We will work over C. Derived category of a variety will mean the