Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is the first human cancer causally linked to a specific chromosomal abnormality, the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), which is a product of a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22 [t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)]. This particular translocation results in the BCR-ABL gene fusion that was subsequently shown to have transforming activity due to the deregulated tyrosine kinase activity of ABL.1 In CML, Ͼ95% of the breakpoints involve the M-bcr region consisting of BCR introns downstream of either exon 13 (e13, previously known as b2) or 14 (e14, previously known as b3) and introns upstream of ABL exon 2 (a2). These BCR-ABL e13a2 and e14a2 fusions result in a 210-kd fusion protein.2 There are two less common breakpoints in the intronic region between the alternative BCR exon 2 known as m-bcr, and between BCR exons 19 and 20, known as -bcr, which encode a 190-kd (e1a2) and 230-kd fusion protein (e19a2), respectively.3,4 Rare atypical breakpoints have also been sporadically reported and can be grouped into four categories: BCR breakpoints originating within introns that lie outside M-bcr, m-bcr, or -bcr fused to ABL a2; BCR breakpoints occurring within exons fused to ABL a2; typical BCR breakpoints (M-bcr, m-bcr, or -bcr) fused to ABL breakpoints located downstream of a2; and transcripts containing intervening sequences between BCR and ABL a2. There are multiple methods for detecting the BCR-ABL translocation including cytogenetics, Southern blot, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) (including quantitative qRT-PCR). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Cytogenetics, Southern blot, and some FISH-based assays should be able to detect essentially all BCR-ABL translocations regardless of the breakpoints, while RT-PCR assays are limited in the breakpoints detected based on the location of the primers and probes. However, cytogenetics, Southern blot, and FISH all have limits of detection of approximately